Confidence, Self-esteem Counselling, life coaching and hypnotherapy.
There are a couple of ways of thinking about confidence and self-esteem issues. First, this depends on the therapy model you prefer to use.
1. Traditional psychodynamic psychotherapy approach: Confidence and self-esteem are affected by various neurosis that is causing the person to be incomplete and negatively affected, thus resulting in poor self-confidence and self-esteem.
2. Humanistic counselling approach: The person needs to work on achieving various things in life, filling different needs and balances, thus enabling them to grow and become all they can be.
These are just two ways of looking at the same problem. Certain events and learning experiences have caused the client to either fail to achieve self-confidence or have knocked down their confidence. It can leave you thinking two mains things:
1. Resolve any issues, events, traumas, abuse, pain, grief etc., that knocked them back or are holding them back now.
2. Find opportunities to expand, grow in confidence and improve self-esteem.
The first part is often best resolved with those types of therapy such as counselling and psychotherapy methods that address past events, patterns and the perceptual aspect of development and learning.
The second part is a process, often driven by Behavioural work, that seeks to provide positive learning opportunities and experiences. Maybe simulated in advance using visualisation, hypnotherapy, NLP, and other positive affirmation and therapy forms.
Combined, such preparation work and actual experiences provide positive momentum and improvement.
The preparation work that hypnotherapy and NLP can provide is essential in those cases where the client is not ready to try things straight away.
The process, therefore, tends to be:
1. Reduce stress level and prepare the client with positive affirmation work or visualisation using hypnotherapy or similar methods.
2. Begin addressing underlying causes, looking for patterns and understanding the ability to reconcile, gain closure and undo any negative learning.
3. Define new opportunities and goals using Life coaching and boost where appropriate with affirmation, visualisation, hypnotherapy, NLP etc.
4. Implement new behaviours/monitor and adopt new behaviours for maximum effect using CBT self-assessment methods.
5. Give the client time to settle, hit any snags, report back and sort out those snags, usually by having monthly or bi-monthly progress sessions to “round off” the whole program. These are often “put off” for a bit if all is fine.
Hypnotherapy for confidence issues, self-esteem and self-confidence (Edinburgh, Glasgow, Stirling, Falkirk). More advice.
Because low confidence and anxiety often go together, hypnotherapy is highly effective in improving morale, especially in specific situations. Anxiety UK recommends hypnotherapy and CBT as psychological methods for addressing anxiety issues (both are available).
Learn more about Hypnotherapy
Hypnotherapy is now regulated in the UK by the CNHC, with whom Stuart is a registered hypnotherapist. CNHC are the NHS funded regulator for complementary health. CNHC is also an AVR scheme or Accredited Voluntary Register. Stuart is listed with both CNHC and FHT AVR schemes.
confidence counselling hypnotherapy hypnosis CBT psychotherapy psychoanalysis life coaching coach self-esteem self-image NLP
Self-esteem consultancy and training
Stuart has written practitioner training courses in anger management coaching, stress management coaching, life coaching (ASET Level 4 award) and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (ASET Level 5 Award). Confidence issues are an integral part of most therapy processes and all therapy practitioner training packages.
It is crucial to ensure that the practitioner is experienced since self-confidence and low self-esteem can become severe over time, resulting in self-harm, eating disorders, self-medication, depression or other negative behaviours.